Friday, 14 August 2009


We’ve never really got the hang of blogging, but we are trying; very trying.

However, we have had a whole world of blogging opened up to us by twitter. We are now reading stuff that we would never have looked for, let alone found. We've signed up for Google Reader so that we can read more and more.

Our favourite blogs at the moment are: - biased here because Sarah is a fab local photographer, that just happened to have her stand next to ours at the National Wedding Show last October! - because Louise finds some really different stuff - because it’s about time someone tried to sort the wheat from the chaff in the wedding industry. - because although he hasn't found us yet, we love his flamboyancy.

Happy reading...

1 comment:

robertrory said...

I just gone through your Blogs.You have done a gorgeous job with this wedding blog.Great stuff.